First of all...
We WrOtE a MeMo AbOuT cLaSsRoOm PrOcEdUrEs!
This is a 73 year-old substitute I found on Google.
We WrOtE a MeMo AbOuT cLaSsRoOm PrOcEdUrEs!
This is a 73 year-old substitute I found on Google.
He's... not happy.
Our teacher wasn't very pleased with our actions.
Mr. Maks wasn't impressed.
Mr. Maks wasn't impressed.
We all need to work on keeping converstations relevant to the math.
I'm sure this won't be happening again.
I hope she still wants to come back here.
Mr.MaKs CuT uS sOmE sErIoUs SlAck!
I hope she still wants to come back here.
Mr.MaKs CuT uS sOmE sErIoUs SlAck!
He moved our due date to next Friday for the first 9 objectives!
Now, Everyone's happy.
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