Wednesday, December 17, 2008
December 17/2008
Today we did mental math as usual and then Mr.Maksymchuk showed us how to do the questions for objective 61 like the ones down below.

Friday, December 12, 2008
fun day!!
Today we started off with a super-easy mental math to punish the other half of the class that wasn't there our first question was 6+7 !!!We then continued on with our accelerated math and spread sheets. Only 4 more days till everythings due!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Today in grade 10 applied we did mental math. Then we talked about which was more important to finish, Accelerated math or the spreadsheets? He decided that it depends..If you are pretty behind in your accelerated math you should probably try to catch up as much as possible. And if you are low in the assignment part of your grade then you should work on the spreadsheets because the spreadsheets are worth a quite a bit. So some of us worked on spreadsheets, some of us worked on accelerated math because the printer is officially working as of this morning.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Another Work Period
Today, like everyday, we started class off with Mental Math and were informed about a rule:
"As a general rule, it is best to think about( and possibly read) the question before we speak"
We are given this class period to work on our "Everything Spreadsheets" and/or Accelerated Math.
Since the printer in the classroom is inoperative at the moment, the best thing to do to use your time wisely is to work on the spreadsheet and hope that the printer is fixed by tomorrow.
60 or so Accelerated Math Objectives & Speadsheet Are DUE on December 18th!!!
Special Note:
- Mr. Maksymchuk suggested a contest for the Best Everything Spreadsheet - Winner chooses the prize of either a gift certificate to the Tigers Den or the Cafeteria-

We are given this class period to work on our "Everything Spreadsheets" and/or Accelerated Math.
Since the printer in the classroom is inoperative at the moment, the best thing to do to use your time wisely is to work on the spreadsheet and hope that the printer is fixed by tomorrow.
60 or so Accelerated Math Objectives & Speadsheet Are DUE on December 18th!!!
Special Note:
- Mr. Maksymchuk suggested a contest for the Best Everything Spreadsheet - Winner chooses the prize of either a gift certificate to the Tigers Den or the Cafeteria-

Accelerated Math,
Everything Spreadsheets,
Work Period
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Grade10 Applied Class Thurs Dec 4th
Today in class we started off with mental math just like a normal day. We were then told to work on our spreadsheet assignment using the excel program that he has been teaching us to use. We have to start off with finding formulas and try to get a good start on the spreadsheets.
We started out with Mental Math in the beginning, as always.
After that Mr.Maksymchuk explained more about Microsoft Excel, than gave us a large assignment due in two weeks, which looks like the following:
After that Mr.Maksymchuk explained more about Microsoft Excel, than gave us a large assignment due in two weeks, which looks like the following:
And than... everyones computers froze.. and nobody could save anything so this is one day late :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Microsoft Excel
We learned all about the Microsoft Excel program on our computers. With Excel, you can create spreadsheets. With spreadsheets, you can shorten the amount of time it takes to do questions, on problems having to do with Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry. You can shorten your time by easily adjusting the numbers in an equation and formula. We will be required to do our own spreadsheet, which we will hand in for marks. What will be on the spreadsheets, we do not know yet.
microsoft excel,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Work Period
In class today we started off by doing the usual Mental Math, and then we worked on Accelerated Math for the rest of the Period. In this time Mr.Maksymchuk helped us out with the problems or we just asked each other for help.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Math Post
Today we did Mental Math which i found not to hard which is always good...Then after this We had a work period.
the word i am suposed to look up which is COMPLACENT and below is the definition...
"Smug and uncritically satisfied with oneself or one's achievements"
Since we did nothing else in class cause we had a work period i leave you with a optical illusion.
the word i am suposed to look up which is COMPLACENT and below is the definition...
"Smug and uncritically satisfied with oneself or one's achievements"
Since we did nothing else in class cause we had a work period i leave you with a optical illusion.
To get the illusion relax your eyes and look at the old mans face and the old womans face and you should see a man playing guitar on the old man and a man holing up something on the old woman...
Monday, November 24, 2008
We did mental math and had a work period, the deadline for this thursday is 50 to remind you!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Today we had a work period meaning we did not do mental math like we usually do. During this class Mr.Maksymchuk went around helping who ever needed his help. I think this was a good class.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Today in class we did mental math. The last question we did an example of a fractal. Many people had different answers, many of which weren't right. Then Mr. Max took us onto a couple websites showing us how fractals work, because we may do this in grade 12 applied. We went on a website and played geometry games as a class, it made class fly by. Too bad we didn't learn about Cosine Law instead of playing games... :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Continuation to Law of sines/ Law of cosines
Today in class we had done Mental Math (MM) like usual. Once done we had gone on to finishing the notes from yesterday about the Law of Sines and we continued to the Law of Cosines. The image below is Law of Sine.

Law of Sines
Now as shown in the picture the angle of Q which is 53 degrees is given but the angle of P and R is not shown. As for the sides of the triangle, side (p) is shown as 380 yards and (q) as 400 yards but side r is not shown. Now when doing the question you mush do as shown in the next image.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Nov,17,08 grade 10 applied
Tody we did mental math like always then we took notes on the Law of sines.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Today we started our class off with mental math, like usual. After we were done the mental math Mr Maksymchuk had told the class that is they need help with our joke sheets which were due at the end of class, which are about trigonometry (EX. Sin=o/h, Tan = o/a, and Cos=a/h) to just come to him for advice and help. Here are some nice sites to help or give a idea of the stuff our class is dealing with/ learning about. http://math.about.com/library/bltrigformula.htm or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_trigonometric_identities or http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TrigonometricAdditionFormulas.html
Monday, November 10, 2008
Nov. 10/08
Today in Math we had a substitute teacher. We were given two assignments to work on.The first was 4 new joke sheets that are due by the end of the day. The second assignment was to have all of trigonometry done in accelerated math in a week or so. So for the whole class we worked on getting those things done.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
November 5th
Today in math class we had a lady that was learning how we do things and what we do. Mr maksymchuk said he was going to do a fake mental math but he actually didn't, so then we had a work period.
REMEMBER 30 for tomorrow!
REMEMBER 30 for tomorrow!
November 5th 2008
Today in math all we did is work, we didnt do mental math or get a lesson. We know after today that we now only need 30 objectives instead of 39, so thats good.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
math class tuesday!!
today we skipped mental math! yay!!! We learned how to play a game where we had to move blocks and count how many times without moving two at the same time with 3 spots. You cant put small blocks on big blocks! it was pretty tricky> After we finished with the game we worked on our mental math. Today was a fun math class.
Monday, October 27, 2008
So today, we of course had mental math. Then got into some notes for about fifteen minutes for each linear equation formula. We went to http://www.ronblond.com/M10/lineAP/index.html to look at the Linear Relation Graph Applet. Between loading the videos from each lesson we worked on accelerated math and did that until class was over.
Friday, October 24, 2008
October 24th
Hello Fellow Students:
Today we:
1.) Did mental math
2.) Get a work period to work on Accelerated Math to reach the goal of 21 Objectives
Today we:
1.) Did mental math
2.) Get a work period to work on Accelerated Math to reach the goal of 21 Objectives
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Work Period
Today in class was another work period. During this time we worked on Accelerated Math. We helped each other out on problems and the class was well behaved. This is about all we did in class. Have a nice day.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Yet another class post !!
Today in math class Mr. Maksymchuk gave us our usual 5 Mental Math Questions. I found them a little harder than usual because we did the notes for the questions yesterday. One question i found a little more confusing than others was the first question we got which was number 1...
all answers that are for these questions are in the green for the first question that i found was hard was VARS...

Then after this Mr. Maksymchuk showed us how to teach our selves SLOPE from the drive on the computers there are 3 ways. These 3 ways are...
After this we just worked on our Acc. Math till the end of class.

After Mental Math today Mr. Maksymchuk showed us when we are going to have time to work on Acc. Math there are 21 objectives due for friday. The following image shows when you have the time...

Then after this Mr. Maksymchuk showed us how to teach our selves SLOPE from the drive on the computers there are 3 ways. These 3 ways are...
1. on the network
2. on the 2 wiki sites - www.appliedmath.wikispaces.com, and www.appliedmath.pbwiki.com
*Anouther good place to go for all kinds of math related things is www.purplemath.com*
The following image is what he put up in the class to help us get to these three options...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
October 3/ the work day
Today we started the class off as usual with the mental math (MM), Mr Maksymchuk said some things to the class and showed an easy way to reduce bracketed numers being added that are squared [EX. (3+4)2].When dealing with that you create a graph with 3+4 on the top of the graph and on the side of the graph, when that is done you multiply them. (EX. 3x3=9, 4x3=12, 3x4=12 and 4x4=16). After all that was finished the class was told to spend the entire class working on our scan cards and Mr.Maksymchuk helped students who were having trouble or couldn't quite figure a question out. Other than that everyone worked, talked, and had fun while getting our school work done, we enjoyed our class! 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sept. 30/08

Monday, September 29, 2008
Sept 29th, 2008

First of all...
We WrOtE a MeMo AbOuT cLaSsRoOm PrOcEdUrEs!
This is a 73 year-old substitute I found on Google.
We WrOtE a MeMo AbOuT cLaSsRoOm PrOcEdUrEs!
This is a 73 year-old substitute I found on Google.
He's... not happy.
Our teacher wasn't very pleased with our actions.
Mr. Maks wasn't impressed.
Mr. Maks wasn't impressed.
We all need to work on keeping converstations relevant to the math.
I'm sure this won't be happening again.
I hope she still wants to come back here.
Mr.MaKs CuT uS sOmE sErIoUs SlAck!
I hope she still wants to come back here.
Mr.MaKs CuT uS sOmE sErIoUs SlAck!
He moved our due date to next Friday for the first 9 objectives!
Now, Everyone's happy.
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